Thursday, April 15, 2010

THEATRE in Argentina

Sooooo, I've gotten the chance to experience two different shows within the past two weeks (free!) that are of typical Argentine style. WEIRD, to say the least, but interesting nevertheless.

Wednesday, April 7, I went to a play called Fuerza Bruta. This will be the most difficult thing I'll ever have to explain in my life! lol. First of all, the setting was just a large room with no chairs. The audience had to stand for the entire performance, but it was amazing. There was so much randomness going on that it was so exciting. It started with a man walking on what looked like a treadmill and he gets shot. Then he gets back up and continues walking and then running. He lays down in a bed and his dreams happen. For his dreams, there were two girls harnessed from the ceiling so they could run across the wall covered with silver tarp. So they ran and jumped around hanging from the ceiling. Later, there were random partying scenes. Then the room felt like it turned into a night club and the actors were making audience members dance with them. Later, they came into the audience again to smash tissue paper filled with confetti on peoples' heads. At the end, as it seemed like a club, the sprinklers came on and, depending on your position in the room, you could end up getting soaked or just getting a few drops of water. Me? Just guess!! Lucky me ended up under a nozzle so I walked out with dripping wet clothing and hair. Good thing it was such a good performance, or I would've been mad!!

Tonight, Wednesday, April 14, I went to a play called Splendor. How was it you ask? Effin weird! The show was a bunch of lip-synching, dancing, men tangoing together, and wild scenes from films. The show was done by a man of over 70 years. But the entire time, he was dressed as a woman, and his makeup was INTENSE! It was such a random act of many things in the Argentine culture that I didn't enjoy it as much as the Argentines there, but I thought it was interesting. I fell in love with the random dancing because the men were so strong to be able to pick each other up. And one of them was pretty good eye candy. haha. The older gentleman/creator was in 4 inch heels the entire time and wore eyelashes at least 2 inches in length. It was quite interesting/disturbing but I enjoyed myself.

Argentine culture includes a very different type of humor and over the next few months, I hope to be able to experience more of that. So far, I'm loving it.

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