Friday, April 30, 2010

Colonia, Uruguay!!!


Soooo, with my program, we got a FREE trip to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. How was it you ask? AMAZING. I had soooo much fun and it is such a gorgeous town.

Sunday, April 25th at 9am, our ferry left for Colonia and arrived at about noon. By the time all 75 of us got through customs, it was about 12:30. So we walked to our hotels and unloaded. After this, we walked to a restaurant that was closed down for us (our director is kind of a big shot).

Then, we got an amazing little tour of the town which is so small and beautiful. They have an amazing lighthouse and beaches all over. It was love at first sight! After our amazing lunch and tour, we got free time. My friend Diana and I wandered around the town for hours taking random pictures.

I couldn't even believe how soothing it was at the top of the lighthouse.

After our long walk and exploration, we walked to a beach and just sat on the rocks to watch the sunset. I must say it was the most amazing feeling to just sit there and leave all life's worries behind.

That night was a quiet night for us, we just stayed in and chilled with the others in the program. But it was just so great to sit around and enjoy all that was happening around us. We did run into a parade of music and when we asked what was the purpose of it, the people answered "just to dance". When I heard that, I smiled and danced along with them. It's so simply really, just dance and everything will be better in life. Stop the worrying and just dance.

Monday, April 26th, we woke up early to eat breakfast at our hotels. Then, around 12noon, we left for our director’s house. It was about a 20 minute drive because he lives in a HUGE house that he made into a bed and breakfast. There’s a lemon orchard that he owns and PLENTY of land. He has an outdoor pool and lives about a 10 minute walk from the beach. We had an asado (barbeque) at his house and enjoyed entirely too much food. Afterwards, we all hung around and just talked or went to the pool, etc. Diana and I chose to talk to some of the people who work for the program about bad words. Lol. It was quite enlightening.

After this we all went our separate ways but most to the beach. We returned from the beach to have a dessert and say our goodbyes. Then, we loaded up the bus to catch our ferry home to Buenos Aires. Oh man, that trip went by entirely too fast!

Sweet Serenity~ Praise Jesus

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