Sunday, March 21, 2010

Classes in BA

So, my real classes haven't really begun yet. Currently, we are attending classes that interest us and we get to pick the ones we want. It's okay, I guess. But all the classes here are soooooooo long! They are only once a week but all are at least 3 hours long. Usually, there's a 15 minute break in the middle but that doesn't help too much because by the time the break comes, your butt is already numb and/or you already stopped taking notes because you fell asleep.

So, in the US, most professors recognize that we have different styles of learning and they try to cater to all three. Here, it's a different story. Most of the professors just talk for 3 straight hours without writing anything down. Are they crazy? It's so hard for me just to listen and write. I need a powerpoint presentation or writing on the board or something visual! Looking at someone for 3 hours straight while they speak with the most monotonous voice is the best way to put me to bed.

Another HUGE difference in my classes here and in the US, is the way the students act in class here. They are rude. If I was a professor I think I would tell them to get the heck out. They talk so loudly the entire time class is being taught. Or they interrupt the professors while they are teaching to ask a question even after the professor tells them to wait a minute. I will never fit in the classes here! lol, I'm too nice.

Anywho, ttyl.

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