Friday, June 4, 2010

¿En Serio?

So, I had class at 8:30am this morning, as I do every Friday morning. Only today's class was a little bit off compared to others.

First of all, class started with a survey. One of our professors (we have 5) handed out these surveys for us to complete. Our first concern was "should we really fill these out? we don't even really go here." lol. But we decided to just fill them out anyway. That's where the humor started. We all take surveys at in our college classes at the end every semester but I can guarantee it has never been as ridiculous as the one I took today. Here are a few examples of the RIDICULOUS stuff they had the nerve to ask. Of course it was in spanish, but I wrote them out in English.

1.) On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you with your life? (1 being not happy, 10 being very happy)
{If I hated my life, I'd be sad they reminded me of it. lol}

2.) Who is God to you? [the question itself isn't horrible but some of the choices were] {I only typed up the choices I thought were funniest}
a. my friend
b. the reason for all of the evil in the world
c. some guy who never existed

3. Who are people you'd prefer not to have as neighbors? {again I only included the most interesting choices}
a. illegal immigrants
b. people who are crazy
c. people with AIDS
d. immigrants from Africa (I swear this was a choice!!)

On top of this, there were an immense amount of questions about religion on the survey which, in my opinion, is just ridiculous. My friend Lauryn and I were laughing about how this survey was so severely politically incorrect. And the craziest thing about it is that the students taking the survey didn't look at it as ridiculous at all. It's really an eye opener to see this occur in a "professional" environment.

The other thing that made this class funny was the construction going on. Our building is currently being worked on and it seems to only get worked on during our class times. Our teacher had the nerve to try to teach over the noise which happened to be right under our classroom. So, we waited for about 10 minutes and we switched classrooms to a very mildew smelling room. My professor made me laugh because as soon as he sat down, he continued where he left off without warning. It was hilarious.

That was my class today and I thought it was definitely something to write about.

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