Friday, February 26, 2010

The People in Argentina and the life here

I've noticed that people here aren't nearly as nice as people in the Caribbean. When you smile at them, they look at you like you're crazy. I thought it was normal to say hi and smile at people but apparently it's not ok here. lol. Not many people smile here either, it's weird. But everyone here looks European so sometimes I feel like I can speak English to them because they all look like what it looks like in america. EXCEPT there's no black people here. I truly have only seen two since I got here. Anywho, I've been taking the bus everyday, looking like a local. But here they have no sense of personal space because the buses are so packed all the time. lol. And you also don't have to wait more than 3 minutes for a bus because they come constantly, sometimes there's 4 in a line picking people up. But they drive like bats out of hell and when you're getting off, the chances are that the bus is still moving. lol. I haven't taken the Supte (subway) yet but I will definitely write about it once i do. That's all for now. I'm getting ready to go to a club tonight so I hope all goes well! Buenas noches!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My first days en Buenos Aires

So, today was my second day of getting to experience Buenos Aires. There are so many things that are different here, especially the language! There's so much to tell. I'll start from my travels on Sunday the 21st...
Sunday the 21st, I left from Philadelphia airport around 4:30pm and went to Fort Worth/Dallas airport. From there, I left at 9:30pm and the next morning at 9:50am I arrived in Santiago de Chile. It was a 10 hour flight and was the most horrific thing I've ever had to endure. I couldn't believe how bad my back and neck hurt. Then, I hopped on a flight to Buenos Aires which only took about 2 hours. Upon arrival in BA, I paid my fees and walked right through customs. Yes, that's right, I said walked right through customs. I didn't even go through a metal detector! I was so surprised that I could breeze through customs like that! Then, to my dismay, the man who was supposed to pick me up wasn't there at the time of my arrival. Being alone in a foreign country, I freaked and started crying. 15 minutes later, he showed up, put me in a taxi, paid the taxi and said adios. I cried the entire way to my host mother's house! lol. Upon meeting her, my world changed. She's so amazing and she spoils me crazily! She cooks for me everyday and it's great.
Since I've been here, I've done mostly just orientation which is terrible boring. Taking placement tests as well to see if we need extensive spanish practice. I'm having a bit of trouble with the accent because it's so different! I speak like such a puerto rican! Anywho, for the next 2 weeks, i will be doing this orientation stuff so I'm sure nothing too exciting will occur. I do go around the different barrios (neighborhoods) in the city though so that I may see what it's like. The people here are very standoffish and rather rude, but it's also not central america where everyone is super nice. The people here look so different! It's like America without the black people! Redheads and brunettes and blondes with blue eyes and gray eyes and brown eyes. I finally fit in somewhere! lol. Anywho, that's all for now! I think I'm going to a club tonight! wish me luck! Besos to all who read this!